Keep your chickens safe from predators like weasels, raccoons, and even neighborhood dogs, in a predator-proof chicken coop. keep your chickens safe from predators like weasels, raccoons, and even neighborhood dogs, in a predator-proof chicken coop. predator-proof the run. bury the chicken wire or hardware cloth 12 inches deep all along the. Creating a predator-proof chicken coop will keep the birds safe when roosting at night—adding a predator-proof chicken run will prevent daytime predators from attacking your chickens. this chicken coop is elevated off the ground to provide proper air circulation and as an added barrier to small predators.. My run is predator proof against snakes, mice, rats, possum, raccoons, fox, coyotte, owls, hawks. it also is virtually maintenance free. lisa's run is expensive with all that hardware cloth - she would have been far better to utilize commercial dog kennel panels, installed vertical and horizontal 4x4's like i did..
Predator proof your chicken run too. daytime predators are most likely going to be hawks or dogs. put sturdy fencing around your property (or at the very least your chicken run) to deter dogs. placing bird netting over the top of your run will protect your hens from hawks.. 30 ways to keep predators out of your chicken coop. there are many ways you can keep your chickens safe from predators, depending on the space you have, what predators you’re dealing with and how you keep your chickens. read on to know the 411 on how to predator proof a chicken coop.. How to prevent predators in the chicken coop prepare the coop. first, prepare your coop and run with a regular check for any holes over a half inch and cover them with 1/4 inch hardware cloth. place all latches high on the doors making it harder to reach and put netting over the top of the run so nothing can get in from the top..
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